Up Up and away

M&M Autopak appreciate innovative design so it was a wonderful to meet Toby and Rory Meek based in Hong Kong at the Crank Workx down hill event in Rotaroua New Zealand in May 2017. Their unique bikes turned heads as they competed in the 5 day event."When Innovation and engineering go hand in hand, the results can be every satisfying" explains Steven Meek Design engineer for MeekBoyz.com. Toby and Rory's major sponsor. The boys who have been both world ranked in BMX (Rory No W3 2013,2014, NZ1 and Thai open No1 )(Toby HK1, NZ4, Thai open No 2) have been frustrated with the mountain bike scene to provide high-performance bikes for kids that take into consideration weight and performance of these world class athletes.
Check out these unbelievable bikes (pieces of art) at www.meekboyz.com