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SKoot here...SKoot there

Of all the equipment and machinery we move, Electrical and control cabinets have got to be the hardest....why... apart from the sensitive nature of the equipment inside that don't like to be knocked around, their size is a real problem.they are generally around 2.4m high making it difficult to lift from the top due to door way heights and obstacle like room lighting, They also can be 3-4 metres long and if picked up with a forklift, can't get through the doors.....Solution...The SKOOT.

We discovered these great moving devices working with some German engineers on a project and loved the concept however we couldn't get any in Australia...So being an Engineering company and with a couple of photos we build a set. Well done to Phil Holgate, one of our Senior tradesman who built it

Phil Holgate showing off the new "Skoot"

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I don't spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems"
 Elon Musk
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