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Team Building on the Track

As a thank you from the company for their efforts last year, Russell Teale and Andrew Kelly got to experience life in the' fast lane' riding M & M Autopak Director-Phil Meek's CBR1000RR Track Bike.

"The bike handled like it was on rails" Russell comments with a smile from ear to ear. The biggest bike Andrew had ridden in the past was a 250cc so the only comment we could get out of Andrew when he got off the bike was...It' bloodly quick!. With some pointers from a couple of National Riders the boys times improve dramatically through out the day.

"Every thing looks and smells scary the first time you come here "Phil Meek chuckles. "your vision narrows, the track looks small and you panic" he continues.

"Don't fixate on the oncoming corner but widen your vision to look through it"

A great day was had by all.. .gots of stories told that night.

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 Elon Musk
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