Project Management
Asked about M & M Autopak, Antoine Huret, Project Manager for Rheem Australia comments...
"The Can-do-attitude, organisation skills and flexibility mixed with engineering acumen and practicality turn a mechanical contractor into a project partner"
When it comes to Project management, M & M Autopak has a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes from start to finish. These processes are guided through five stages:
initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Regardless of how big the project..."The Devil" is in the detail when multipule stakeholders are involved.
Talk to us first at M&M Autopak about upcoming projects and we will be "your engineering solution partner"
"At its most fundamental, project management is about people getting things done,"
Dr Martin Barnes, APM President 2003-2012.
We acted for our Sydney customer as site manager for this project in New Zealand for NZ Post in Auckland and Hamilton-The installation of a parcel conveyor and scanning system
We acted for our Sydney customer as principle mechanical installation contractor, installing a 7 km baggage handling system